Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Move is Almost Over

(Reminder of what the house currently looks like -- I'll be posting pictures as it changes)

I can hardly believe it, but my furniture and things are suppose to arrive tomorrow morning. HURRAH!!!! It would be great to sleep in my own bed again -- it's been since May 27.

Things are been moving along. Had a "heart to heart" with the contractor, and I believe we understand each other much better now. There were some additional things that I found which were not working, and he is fixing those for free. He's also finishing some of the items that were not done (some caulking in the shower, caulking around the tub, and a little additional grout where needed). And I think he felt bad so he's doing some things he really didn't need to do, like caulking around the mantle, cutting down some unnecessary walls in the garage, and hauling away all the trash from the garage -- including some he didn't make. It is amazing all the trash the owner left me in the garage (I know because I cleaned the whole garage today). I will never again need to purchase a wood screw of ANY size. And he left a power drill, jig saw, and a light. Unfortunately they are all battery operated and no charger. But my friends are having a garage sale on Friday, and maybe I can get a few bucks for them.

The plumber is coming in the morning to install a water filter from the well, and putting a water line into my new refrigerator. Friday I'm having "naked" DSL installed (that means I don't need a land line in the house to get high speed), and Saturday the DirecTV service man will install my dish and receivers so I can get TV. For those who know me, you know now much TV means to me -- yes, I admit I'm a "TV-aholoic".

So think of me this weekend -- unpacking and unpacking and unpacking. Then I'll be painting, painting, and painting all summer until I get rid of the orange and yellow walls in the house. And the offer still stands -- I will name a room in the house for you if you come out for a visit and paint!! I know what an enticement that is for everyone.

I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow of all this commotion. Thanks for reading.

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