Wednesday, March 30, 2011


In my travels around Montana, I have come across the “Made in Montana” sticker. The program is part of the International Trade and Relations Bureau which is part of the Montana Department of Commerce. There is also a “Grown in Montana”, and “Native American Made in Montana” – all good programs to promote Montana products.

So I was really happy to see a “Made in Montana” trade show, which was open for retail sales on Saturday. My friend Jane (owns the ranch where Ludo lives) and I took a 4 hour drive to Great Forks, MT to see the show and spend a day shopping.

The drive was beautiful, through Rogers Pass on Hwy. 200 where there was still snow and ice on the roads, and snow drifts about 5-6 feet high (even the end of March). Rogers Pass is 5,610 feet in elevation, and is located on the Continental Divide in Montana. The pass is adjacent to the Helene National Forest.

Another “claim to fame” of Rogers Pass is that it is the location of the coldest temperature ever recorded in the United States outside of Alaska. On January 20, 1954, a low temperature of -70 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded.

(One of the many "Butte's" around Great Falls, MT)

Rogers Pass is more than 100 miles south of Marias Pass, and there are no other roads that cross the continental divide between these two passes. The region between is mostly wilderness, and much of the land has been consolidated into 1,500,000 acres called the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex (know as “The Bob”). The region is noted for its inaccessibility and as one of the last strongholds for the grizzly bear in the lower 48 states.

Okay.....enough of geography....let's talk shopping!! There are 1500 members of “Made in Montana” and approximately 100 of them had a booth at the show. And such a wide variety of vendors. Chocolates, beef products, jewelry, huckleberry products, soaps and candles, leather products, art, photography, tea/coffee.....and WINE. Yes, we have winery's in Montana. And you could taste if you wanted.

(This chocolate looks just too good to eat -- but I will)

Some of the more unique vendors included:

  • Montana Mud Shirts”, t-shirts hand-dyed from real Montana mud (so they are all brown).

  • My vote for the must unique name – “Ewe Who Design”, wool processed in the Gallatin Valley, one-of-a kind wool hats from organically grown, natural colored, all American sheep grown and shorn”

  • Grandma Hoot Products”, gourmet food from old recipes

  • Montana Tooth Picks”, toothpicks made from porcupine quills

  • The Muddy Moose Bath Boutique”, from scratch soaps, lotions, lip balms, and other natural products (bought some Devils Food Cake flavored lip balm – yummy!)

  • Montana Leather Creations and Smoothie Shop” – this one seemed a strange combination. Based out of Kalispell, I intend to check it out.

  • And of course, you can't be in Montana without lots of huckleberry products, and “Huckleberry Haven” had every conceivable item you could make out of huckleberries.

So come to Montana and shop. Many great products are grown and made here.

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