Sunday, January 30, 2011

How to Survive a Montana Winter

The obvious answer would be, "Don't live in Montana in the winter", but given that I do live in Montana in the winter, I have come to the top 2 things that will help you survive:
  1. BUY A 4 WHEEL DRIVE!!!!
  2. "If you live in a state with cold weather, get outside or move!!" (I loved this quote, so I had to borrow it from the Blog, Immediate Regret) I mean, embrace the activities of winter and enjoy yourself.
And I have a few other suggestions that I will include a little later.

This has been one heck of a Montana winter. My friends say they have hardly seen much snow in the last 4 winters. There is also proof from the newspapers as well. I read the Flathead Beacon, and on November 2, our temperature was a balmy 62 degrees. By November 24, it was 12 degrees BELOW zero -- and that was only the 15th lowest temperature recorded (average temperature is listed at 31 degrees). Most Montanans were also thrilled by the fact it was accompanied by 8-12 inches of snow (those were the Montanans who ski).

I also saw an article that compared the amount of snowfall July-Dec of 2009 with July-Dec of 2010. In Columbia Falls (north of me), they got 44 inches in 2010 compared with about 21 inches in 2009. And all of the cities around here were about the same -- double the snowfall.

Apparently this year, winter is terrible everywhere. And compared to the East coast, I'm most happy to be living here. I would hate to have endured the snow that they have received.

Actually, I don't really mind the snow and cold -- I can dress for this weather. I have many heavy jackets, gloves, hats, and snow boots. The problem is more about "mobility". I want to be able to leave my house or drive to the ranch to see my horse. That is why the #1 solution on my list is a 4 wheel drive. The vehicles equipped with 4 wheel drive get around like it is springtime.

In fact, as I was participating in item #2 on the list, I got stuck in the parking area, which was a grass field covered in slush. The car in front of me stopped right at the exit and left me sitting in mud, slush, and slick grass. When I stepped on the gas to leave -- NOTHING. Even my studded tires and the 600 lbs. of sand bags in my bed gave me no traction. Several strong looking cowboys were walking by and tried to push the truck -- again NOTHING. Luckily there was a big Dodge (Ram tough) 4 wheel drive truck several vehicles behind me, and he pulled around, stopped, grabbed his chain, and proceeded to pull me out to the road. Thank goodness. So....I make my #1 point.

Now.....for point #2. Get out.....enjoy the snow. I haven't been able to get out as much as I've wanted in January, but I decided to treat the winter like I was here on vacation (a great idea where ever you live).

Why do people vacation in Montana in the winter? Skiing, snowmobiling, dog sledding, ice fishing.....and WINTER CARNIVALS

I am going to digress here just a bit. Let's look at ice fishing. I don't mean to insult fishermen, but let's get real. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Today at noon, it was ZERO, and as I was driving into Kalispell, I pass this small lake. There are people sitting OUTSIDE (no ice fishing shack) in the zero weather, with their fishing line in a hole in the ice. Please....tell me what the fun is in that. If I wanted fish that badly, I would go to the seafood counter at Safeway and buy it. Really!!!

(Base Lodge at Whitefish Mountain Resort)

Okay....let's get back to enjoying the local area. I took the first activity on the list, skiing, and drove to the Whitefish Mountain Resort, which is about 30 miles away from my home. The mountains are beautiful, and it was fun to watch everyone skiing down the mountain -- from people older than me to very little kids. Since I don't ski (yet), I had also brought a book, and my fun was to sit in the lodge in front of the roaring fire in a very cozy, overstuffed chair. It was just fun to be sitting in a different environment, enjoying my surroundings, and watching the folks coming in from the slopes.

The other thing I learned was how reasonable it was to take ski lessons. I thought the price would be in the 3 figures and be prohibitive. But I found that I could get 2 beginner ski lessons, including equipment rental, for $69. Now I realize that it will probably be me (the grown-up) with a bunch of little kids -- but what the heck. I think I will sign up and see if I can be a skier. Like I said, I saw some people on the slopes that looked to be into the 80's. If they can do it, I can do it.

I also wanted to try some of the Winter Carnival that they hold in Whitefish. I'll save that for my next post.

Now for some of my other ideas about how to survive winter..... when you look for homes, find one that is close to the road and has a flat driveway. This is something I didn't think about when I bought my house. Somehow I just didn't see myself slipping and sliding trying to get out of the drive. Or shoveling that long, up hill drive (even though it is very good exercise).

I know, I know. When you own 3-5 acres of land covered in pine trees, it is hard to resist putting the house towards the back for the seclusion, the views, and to enjoy nature. But believe me.....when the snow starts to fly, and you have to figure out how to dig yourself out, you will be envying those homes with a short 20 foot drive.

But if you don't want to be next to the least make sure the drive is flat. Without having to go up or down a driveway, you can probably get out. Even without a 4 wheel drive. As I've been taking walks about Many Lakes, I'm envious when I see these shorter, flatter driveways.

And of course, if you buy a 4 wheel drive, you can also buy a snow plow to get yourself out of the drive!!! Please go help your poor neighbors who were silly enough to buy a house with a steep drive, and who own a 2 wheel drive vehicle -- LIKE ME!


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