Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June 21, 2008

WHAT AN EXCITING TIME!! “Primal Quest” is an expedition adventure race, and it is starting and ending right here in Big Sky. I just love to watch these races on TV (and this will be televised) – now this is reality TV. There are about 60 coed teams of 4 people who will be racing through the Montana wilderness for 10 days. They’ll have to climb mountains (for the whole 10 days they’ll go up 100,000 feet in elevation), kayak, mountain bike, hike (or as they call it "trekking"), and navigate their way through the wilderness with only their compass and maps. This year they are worried about the high water in all the rivers – the Gallatin is running at 155% capacity. (The picture above is one team -- look at all that equipment.)

I’m in awe of these folks – very fit and good at all of the more extreme outdoor sports. They have corporate sponsorships and there is $175,000 in prize money. So these are pro’s and semi-pros. I’m sure that my walking around with my cheap little “Yellowstone” backpack really impressed them. But after my hike (I felt the need to prove myself today), I sat for most of the morning and just took in the whole event. The teams had all of their equipment checked by officials, and then the teams were either kayaking on the local lake, or climbing straight up the huge towers that had held the cables for the gondolas. Straight up a line to the top (and there is a name for this, but for the life of me, I can’t think of it -- see the picture).

On Monday, the teams will be starting and we’ll be able to see some of the race. Because this goes through wilderness, there are no “viewing” stands on course. In fact, I asked one of the officials where they were going in Montana, and he said if he told me, he would have to kill me. It’s very secret, as part of the challenge is to navigate their way. And the finish will also be in Big Sky on July 2, so I do plan to come back for that. But you can watch the progress at

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